Thursday, November 29, 2007

A womens Touch

Yep, indeed i do agree.

Friday, June 22, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Internet

The online antics of the Rudd Internet Supportes Spin , 'RISS ' team have been disgraceful and manipulative to date, the RISS team with co ordinated shifts, prey on line and attempt to muddy the waters of debate along predetermined head office cheat sheets lines.

They are dangerous by their attempt to sway free speech of the online community.

Political workers should disclose their associations when commenting online.

"Use your connections to help elect Labor...

Dear supporter,
The campaign is on!

You can make a vital contribution to the election of a Rudd Labor Government simply by using your home internet connection..."

"..EXPRESS yourself: Have your say on newspaper websites and write letters to the editor (more details below).

Many thanks, Tim Gartrell"

Comment on the issues of the day, news stories and opinion columnists on the major newspaper websites:"

The message for the genuine posters amoung us is to look out for the Rudd internet team workers and hold them to account as to what they say.

Be careful as the Rudd Internet Supporters get abussive when challanged.

Mr Rudd's Internet Manipulation Exposed.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - Polling


I have suggested often that Mr Rudd is a Conservative right, politician taking Labor from a social party with heart and soul to a 'mini me' of the Liberal Party.

That traditional Labor voters will be angry when they understand Mr Rudd's policy platform.

The latest polling results demontstrate that Mr Rudd is miles ahead of the PM on understanding social policy, as you would expect from a Labor leader.

But here's the rub, Rudd is trumped by the PM on major issues such as economic management.

Mr Rudd's attempt to develop economic credibility has failed leaving him and the Labor Party with a 'mini me' liberal policy platform with no soul, heart or vision, the very ingredients he needs to harness the large number of listening voters.

As predicted Mr Rudd , even with all the spin on your economic understanding, this is not a battle ground you can win on.

You should have played to Labors strength of heart, soul, passion, vision and equity.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - Unions

Mr Rudd has painted himself into a corner with his latest spin, and its a doozy of a corner too.

Mr Rudd has no time for Unions even though the party he leads is funded by the Unions and his shadow cabinet has many ex Union bosses sitting in it.

Mr Rudd perceives a strong anti union stance will increase his electoral chances, and has started on the path of expelling unionists from the Party.

Mr Rudd has chosen to base his pursuit of 'Rouge Unionists' on his perception of the 'foulness' of their language and weather the conversations had been recorded.

It is not yet clear how Mr Rudd decides which Unions funds, who's official has been expelled, will still be acceptable, or not.

Mr Rudd are you intending to be consistent and act on all Unionists who have used foul language?

Mr Rudd this was a dangerous tactic, and we await the outcome.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Reality.


Mr Rudd is now caught in a very difficult position, a position he and his demoted/reassigned spin man have caused.

Voters no longer are prepaired to listen to Mr Rudd.

Mr Rudd's momentum is certainly in freefall, his arrogance in treating voter with contempt by not providing substance to his rhetoric,hiding behind a dishonest premis suggesting that it's a tactic to withhold his policies, not a particulary believeable tactic as we dont know Mr Rudd, add his record of attracting contraversy and this is the result.

Mr Rudd's media strategy is not working either, he is being dominated by policy announcements by the Government.

Mr Rudd, you have been given a good run, but your failure is arrogantly ignoring the voters needs.

Mr Rudd this is your election to loose.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - Reality


As we know Mr Rudd's momentum has gone into freefall, Mr Keating having sensed this too had tried to offer Mr Rudd and his spin team some good informantion, however Mr Rudd has chosen to shoot the messenger , Mr Keating, and has ignored his message.

The result for Mr Rudd's arrogance at not listening to an election winning ex Labor PM, is to put at risk the 2007 election, the election which is Mr Rudd's to lose.

Lets look at how Mr Rudd has haphazardly and desperately attempted to gain momentum this weekend.

It seems Mr Rudd again has decided to rush out two unfinnished policy directions , petrol police, and Rudd's pledge to drive down unemployment.

This will be another own goal, mistake, for Mr Rudd as the week unfolds will demonstrate as it will be increasingly obvious that again Mr Rudd talks rhetoric, raises public expectations, but does not have a plan to make it happen, leaving him expossed to the truth, he talks, but doesnt know how to deliver.

Mr Rudd, you cannot run an election campaign by reacting to the political enviornment, you must first understand it, then lead it.

Mr Rudd, employment and petrol police, we will be watching it closely this week.

We did and the result was Rudd was out played bey the Government.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - Election Issues


All eyes are looking at a significant Queensland State Labor Issue which is set to become a potential vote decider for Mr Rudd in the Queensland Federal Election campaign with commentators suggesting will be a disaster for Mr Rudd.

Its known that Mr Rudd is not liked in Queensland, his meddling in the State Council Amalgamation issue has not helped him, Mr Rudd's choice has caused him electoral damage resulting in Mr Rudd placing expensive full page Spin messages in Queenslands newspapers.

Federal Queensland grass roots campaigning is at fever pitch to control the Amalgamation fire which is rapidly turning into an out of control blaze.

Lets see how this issue is dealt with, stay tuned.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - Polls


Latest poll results for Mr Rudd in his hometown of Queensland are softening, trending down.

The lag between the political reality of Mr Rudd's stalled momentum due to, voter apathy, too much rhetoric no details coupled with a raft of contraversy, is only now starting to catch up with Mr Rudd, through his poll results.

Mr Rudd need's Queensland and Western Australian seats to acheive Government, unfortunately for Rudd, Western Australian's generally do not respect him.

Mr Rudd's strongest State is South Australia, coincedentially, SA is very pro Uranium Mining...


The marketing of Mr Rudd - Reality

Saturday 16 June 2007 Australian newspaper editorial share our view that Mr Rudd can not continue along the path he is currently on, that voters were prepaired to listen to Rudd and see what he's got, and unfortunately there's not a lot to see.

Saturday 16 June 2007, The Age newspaper also shares our view that the Trust we voters have for Mr Rudd, indeed is a critical factor in the election.

It's pleasing to see that Australia is indeed waking up to the inevitible and that is , who are you Mr Rudd and what are you offering?

Mr Rudd you must provide more detail and less rhetoric' if you are to win the election.

Mr Rudd you have not been up front, the voter will need a lot of convincing that we indeed can trust you.

Remember Mr Rudd this is your election to lose.


Friday, June 1, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - policy

There is a trend emerging with Mr Rudd, he is increasingly becoming Mr. Howard’s number one policy supporter.

Mr Rudd backs Mr Howard on aspects of Mr Howard's Climate Change Agenda.

Mr Rudd Backs Mr Howard on some Labor hated IR policies.

Mr Rudd backs Mr Howard in selling Uranium.

Mr Rudd back Mr Howard in Funding Public Schools.

Mr. Rudd back Mr. Howard on sending troops to Iraq.

Mr Rudd Backs Mr Howard on keeping Troops in Iraq.

Mr Rudd Backs Mr Howard on the GST.

Mr Rudd Backs Mr Howard on our relationship with the USA.

The list goes on.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - policy

Lets assume the Election will be in November, the countdown has begun.

Mr Rudd, is new, six months as Leader of Labor, his inexperience in government is highlighted by the Fact that he has never held a Government Minister's Position.

The voters need to believe and trust Mr Rudd, when he tell us that he, in fact, can manage the economy, and Australia.

Its a huge task, so trust is vital.

The responsibility of the opposition leader, this time it's Mr Rudd, is to put out his policies to the voter, soon, or risk not having them understood.

When is it reasonable for Mr Rudd to give the Australian Voter his economic policy details so the voter can study them and therefore make an informed decision whether Mr Rudd can indeed run the economy, or not?

I say its now time to put up.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - GST

What will Mr Rudd do to make the GST fairer to the less well of in our community?

This is a rellevant Labor Issue, and all we hear from Mr Rudd is that, trust me I wont increase it, but Mr Rudd thats not the point.

Mr Rudd look at making the GST Fairer, eg take it off food.

Mr Rudd it is your responcibility to act on scrapping or rolling back of the GST.

You show no Labor principle if your only aim with the GST is to raise it.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - China

What is Mr Rudd's position on the question of Taiwanese independance, as the opposition leader we need to know where he stands.

Will Mr Rudd release a foreign affairs policy for us the voter to judge.

Should we just accept China's view on the soverignty issue because of trade impilications, rather than taking a global stand over China's Human Rights abuses including those against Taiwan.

It becomes clear that we are at a cross roads in the politics involved in Taiwans desire for independance.

There is a direct link and clash here between our foreign affairs relationship with China, and our obligations under the ANZUS treaty, that need to be debated.

Currently if there were an outbreak of hostilities between China and Taiwan,{ who want independance } Under the ANZUS treaty we are bound to offer assistance to Taiwan.

Where as Mr Rudd shares an alternative view, a pro China view, statments by Mr Rudd say that Taiwan should not talk about political independance from China.

Its a very interesting issue.

Is Mr Rudd too personaly engaged with China to offer an unbiased view.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - Medicare Saftey Net.

Mr Rudd - medicare saftey net. I think its going.

Doorstop interview, 5 April 2007.

Interviewer: What is Labor Party policy on the Medicare safety net?

SWAN: The Labor Party’s policy on the Medicare safety net is something that we’re looking at at the moment.

Rather than Mr Swan erasing voter fear , that Labor would keep the saftey net, he instead said that they are looking at it

Mr Rudd, we are still waiting for your disclosure of the Scrapping of the Net.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - China

China is known for its dismal human rights record.

Mr Rudd it seems is still continuing to put his personal interests and personal friendship with China ahead of Australia's position against human rights abuse.

Mr Rudd appears to be meeting the DL on june 12 2007.

The question which has not been resolved is in what capacity will Mr Rudd be meeting with the DL.

A few weeks ago Mr Rudd's spokesperson said the reason fro the delay in setting a time to meet the DL was the conflict of not wanting to meet using his title opposition leader, but rather said Mr Rudd will only meet the DL with his old title foreign affairs shadow.

Mr Rudd has not disclosed or mentioned this important fact, and how it was resolved.

I believe Mr Rudd will meet the DL, not in his capacity of Australia's Opposition Leader,therefore demonstrating failure to show Leadership and principle, over self interest,leading to the motive of Mr Rudds desire to Kowtow to China.

Mr Rudd your support of China's human right abuses, put many chinese lifes in danger, and continued horror.

Taiwan wants independance from China, the DL wants Tibet, why back China.


Monday, May 14, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Conservative Labor

The Unions are concerned Mr. Rudd, hold the IR line and especially not to back down on AWA's.

AWA's sparked passion in Mr. Rudd when he shouted many times he would abolish AWA's, to applause and cheers from the Labor faithful.

But, now it seems the passion to abolish AWA's is going in light of Mr Rudd's new found Conservatisim.

Mr. Rudd is set to lay the ground rules for Mr. Rudd's 'Conservative Brand of Labor' AWA's.

How far will Mr. Rudd take the Labor Party, before the Party takes Labor away from Mr. Rudd?


The marketing of Mr Rudd - Conservative Labor

The Conservative vs non conservative divisions are evident within the ALP, and causing a serious problem for Mr. Rudd.

Ms Gillard is known for her social vision and responsibility, her conservative leader favors cold market driven policies.

The IR framework taken from Ms Gillard by Mr. Rudd to make it more conservative, demonstrate the decissive nature of 2 party agendas and one determined leader, this has already taken a toll in their relationship and that of senior opposition MP's.

The Lack of talent In Mr. Rudd's team also show that any party disunity will be hard to deal with effectively.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Conservative Labor

Mr Rudd, is demonstrating how easy it is to change from a principled Labor postion to a Conservative Labor Party position.

Climate change emmission targets, the enviornment, has been placed behind economic interest.
Not setting mandatory targets until an economic report.

Pure Rudd conservative politics vs, Labor supporters held views for the need for Leadership on enviornment issues.

Mr Rudd, has taken back control of IR policy, from Ms Gillard because it was too worker friendly, not business friendly enough for a Conservative politician.

Pure Rudd Conservative politics, vs Labor supporters views on being a workers party.

The determined Mr Rudd applying the economic test first is at odds with Labor Supporters who believe in social justice and the dignity of the worker and leadership in enviornmental matters.

Labor supporters have not yet understood that a Conservative Labor Party will produce a policy platform that they will find difficult to support.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - I am a conservative

Mr Rudd's 'Brand of Labor',offically self described as fiscally conservative.

A brave move making Mr Kevin Rudd, the First Australian Labor Leader heading into an election claiming to be fiscally Conservative.

There goes Labor we knew and in comes the brave new world of Mr Rudd's 'Conservative Brand of Labor'.

Unfortunately for Mr Rudd, this claim is about to provide him with a new set of problems.

Economic reality is different to different people. People’s reality will differ due to their economic prosperity.

Most Australians are faced with reality that the economic fortunes of the country will directly affect them, inflation, interest rate rises, etc.

The issue raised that one political party is better at handling the economy over the other is valid only in so far as an individual’s perspective, and view.

The Conservative Labor Party is now overt with its political claim of being good economic managers; Mr. Rudd believes the voter needs to be educated that Conservative Labor is a good economic manager.

Mr Rudd, by falling into the 'Economy Trap', can cause electoral harm, giving credit and reinforcing the negative view that Mr. Rudd and Conservative Labor are bad economic managers.

Statistics, economic argument etc will ultimately confuse the voter, leaving the same ingrained previously held view.

Worse, ultimately leading people to question Mr. Rudd’s economic credentials.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd – I told her she should think less like Labor.

Some Months ago I suggested that Mr. Rudd was demonstrating signs that Rudd’s ‘Brand of Labor’ was heading to the right of the political spectrum.

Of course this was heartily discounted by Labor supporters; however the IR play unfolding between Mr. Rudd and the competent Ms. Gillard demonstrates yet again this point.

The Labor IR debate shows Ms. Gillard clearly standing up and being counted as a real Labor alternative to the market driven Rudd.
Ms. Gillard has done a fine job in adding Labors heart and soul and equity, as far as she could into Rudd’s IR, thus showing true Labor spirit.

Unfortunately her opponent Mr. Rudd and his cold ‘ Brand of Labor’, is publicly taking control of the management of IR from Ms. Gillard, with the aim to cave in to business demands, notably AWA’s, in the process watering down Ms. Gillards recommendations and her public authority.

The choice is stark, Ms. Gillard wants big businesses that make huge profits, to understand and respect the worker and their families, while Rudd will axe True Labor principle in the vain hope it will him votes.

The result for Mr. Rudd is that True Labor Supporters will not support your cold hearted market driven ‘Brand of Labor’.

The result for supporters of True Labor is three more years in opposition.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd – could I have done things differently?

Yes Mr. Rudd you could. Have a read of today’s Australian editorial to give you in insight on where you have gone wrong.

Firstly Mr. Rudd here’ a brief summary of some of the assistance you were offered as you started along your own path.

1. Mr. Rudd you should understand first and foremost you represent the interests, principles and values of the Australian Labor Party. Your responsibility was to developing policy with equity and vision based on fairness and social reconnection.

2. Mr. Rudd, character is important, honesty and integrity are required to engender trust in your ability to deliver as an alternative PM.

3. Mr. Rudd it is not acceptable to think that your actions can be validated just because you propose the other mob do it too.

4. Mr. Rudd your right wing market driven approach has ripped the heart, soul, and equity from the Labor party, leaving you selling the same stuff as the other mob.

5. Mr. Rudd its ok to make a mistake, but it is not a good sign of your integrity to not come clean.

6. Mr. Rudd the Union Movement are and will continue to be a legitimate partner of Labor, you have not treated them as such.

7. Mr. Rudd you must be consistent.

8. Mr. Rudd you should have sought to surround your self with advisors that understand the public mood.

Mr. Rudd, you were given a dream run with lots of clear air, voters were looking at you with interest as a possible PM candidate, however because the path you took it was always going to be a failed strategy.

So thanks for your application Mr. Rudd, but I don’t think you have the experience necessary for the job…. Bring in our preferred candidate, Hello Ms. Gillard, how are you today?

Monday, April 16, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - when is a lie a lie? And does it matter anyway?


Yes Mr. Rudd it does.

Is a lie as simple as the telling of a fact that is knowingly incorrect?

Is a lie the intent to misinform by not disclosing all the relevant information which is being sought?

Has Mr. Rudd become so focused on attaining a goal that credibility, integrity and honesty is being tossed aside in its pursuit?

In the political environment the answer depends on the perspective of the audience, supporters of the liar will accept it, non supporters will not, but those with no allegiance will see it as what it is, ultimately leading to the disconnection or alienation of the voter from the political process.

A political party needs to be able to spread its message further than its traditional supporter base. In Australia there are a good 10% of voters that are not bolted on to a political party, these are the voters who have been alienated and disconnected from the political process.

To reach these voters a political party needs to get its message to them, unfortunately they have stopped listening.

So yes a lie is a lie and the result will be little or more likely no growth of Labors primary vote under your stewardship.


The Marketing of Mr Rudd - political advisors are supposed to advise candidly,.... and truthfully?


The Fake Dawn Service Affair is about to return to the National headlines, with a bang! Unfortunately it could have been resolved by just being upfront.

I notice Mr. Rudd said in a Doorstop interview 16April 2007,

RUDD: " The first information I had about there being any concern about an early dawn service was when this matter became a matter of public controversy."

" And as I said before, the email that I referred to before in answer to the question over here, was overlooked by my staff."

" It was overlooked by my staff when I put together an initial response to this when the first article was produced by the Sunday Telegraph and the Sunday Mail. It only came to light later last week.”

Did Mr. Rudd himself issue all the press release denials, with no contact with his staff on Easter Sunday.? No

Did Mr. Rudd’s staff issue the press releases on Easter Sunday? Yes.

Now the question is did Mr. Rudd ask his small number of staff, what they knew about the allegations before the denials were sent?

Note we are not talking about the Emails in question.

To Say the matter is over because his office overlooked an email during the search for the truth, is a red herring, and an attempt at non disclosure.

This matter has not been resolved and the red herring is about to be flushed out.

We await the Press Club dialouge today...


Friday, April 13, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - I need new


The following demonstrates this cry, in its most generous interpretation.

News reports today 13 April 2007 regarding Mr Rudd and the dawn service. The Sydney Telegraph has shed much light on the topic.

It’s suggested that those closest to Mr. Rudd in his office were indeed aware of the Vet's concern.

Mr. Rudd has now taken responsibility, and he now tells us that it was an oversight.

It certainly discredits those who sought to paint the affair as a political slur and without foundation on these boards.

We are now aware that Mr. Rudd's office was indeed aware of the details but failed to explain them to Mr. Rudd.

This episode demonstrates that at the very least Mr. Rudd's office is not well organized or run by inexperienced staff that should but are unable to smell the political wind.

Mr Rudd needs to surround himself with staff that will stop this type of thing happening.

At worst it demonstrates yet again that Mr. Rudd has not been upfront.

The answer will lie in which political party you barrack for.

I assert it demonstrates an ongoing track record of a less than upfront candor, of a man that wants to be considered a pm candidate.

Sadly it does not demonstrate integrity.

It’s distressing that the backdrop for this latest affair was that of trying to do the right thing and celebrate ANZAC Day.

However the result shows the character of a potential pm candidate Mr Rudd in an unfortunate light.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - there goes medicare saftey net.


Mr Rudd - medicare saftey net. I think its going.

Doorstop interview, 5 April 2007.

Interviewer: What is Labor Party policy on the Medicare safety net?

SWAN: The Labor Party’s policy on the Medicare safety net is something that we’re looking at at the moment.

Rather than Mr Swan erasing voter fear , that Labor would keep the saftey net, he instead said that they are looking at it

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - gee the voters will get a shock.


Wake up Australia Rudd is not Labor.

11 April 2007

RUDD: When it comes to individual workplaces, my responsibility as the alternative Prime Minister of Australia, is to ensure fairness in the workplace, whether it is union represented or not. Unions don’t have any monopoly of industrial power.

Wake up Australia.


The marketing of Mr. Rudd – as long as the States think I will fund them, I will get the credit

Prediction, following COAG 13 April 2007.

Mr. Rudd will announce $7 Billion for the States and Territories for their proposed, National Reform Agenda if he wins Government.

Mr. Rudd believes that he will work in harmony with the States and Territories, unlike Mr. Howard.

Tomorrow the Labor states and Territories will push for $ 7 billion funding for their 10 point NRA, while Mr. Howard will push for funding priorities in Australian Water Conservation and Rehabilitation.

The bottom line will be a unified State and Territory position, calling the Government a blocker to Federal, State and Territory harmony, whilst pointing to the future harmony under Mr. Rudd.

Remember harmony to the State and Territories in this case means $ 7 Billion Federal funding.

Mr. Rudd must therefore provide the $ 7 Billion funding in his party platform,, failure to do so would mean he obviously can’t provide harmony in Federal and State, Territories relations.

Mr. Rudd, the Devil is in the Detail, man.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - it's my way or the highway at conference.


I know Mr Rudd.

Rudd interview 10 April 2007.

CLARK: Okay, you’ve got the National Conference of the ALP coming up, are you confident that out of that, that you’re going to get the policies that you want and won’t get rolled by the factions?

RUDD: " Well I’m pretty clear that we need to put a very clear message to the country about where we want to take it on the economy and on fairness.

And I’m confident that the message I want to take to Conference will be backed up by the Conference itself

as you note,

the Conferences are always full of their own colour and movement, I’m sure ours will be as well.

( how condesending to Party concerns)

But in terms of a clear-cut message for working families and what we intend to do to build long-term prosperity,

I’m confident I’ll have the backing of the Australian Labor Party Conference."

Yep deals done , heart and soul of Labor gone.

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - I am not forgetting to consult,.. I am a leader.

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - I am not forgetting to consult,.. I am a leader.

The marketing of Mr. Rudd – balance and fairness in IR, I am the leader, balance is what I deem to be fair, not the Unions Movement.


After Mr. Rudd gained unwarranted support on the back of his support to abolish AWA’s from Australia’s IR landscape, he now wants the Australian voter to cop them for 3 more years if he is elected.

One of Labor’s biggest supporters is not being consulted with seriously on IR reform, Mr. Rudd and his ‘Brand of Labor’, the ACTU is not happy with this approach.

The union movement with its proud history of the protection of workers and their family’s rights are standing up to Mr. Rudd on their perception that Rudd has not delivered on getting the balance and fairness right in IR Reform.

Unions understand that there will be pressure to rubber stamp Mr. Rudd’s policy platform at conference in two weeks time, so they are legitimately asking to be consulted prior to the conference so that issues can be discussed and resolved.

Mr. Rudd and Mr. Swan are not keen to compromise on their right wing IR agenda because of ‘Brand Labor’s economic dogma, the market is supreme, which must subordinate any social policy concerns.

Mr. Rudd has underestimated the strength of passion of the union movement, in fact has gone so far recently to suggest that he has never been in the Union, that little lie was later qualified via Rudd’s spokesperson, the union movement is not reliant on the Labor Party for its existence, it relies on its adherence to its values of protecting and recognizing the importance of the individual working person and their family in the profit driven market economy.

Mr. Rudd engage the Australian Union Movement.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - Internet strategy.

A Rudd Grass Roots Internet Campaign Worker says re todays poll.

You Say..." Rudd as not being seen as a good replacement or worthy of a chance to become PM are not shared with the general public."

Labor supporters continue rightly to support the true labor party values and policy,

but Rudd unfortunately has purged many of them from the party,

so to argue on the principles of Old Labor is not intellectually honest, and can be used dishonestly by Mr. Rudd to garner un warranted support.

The polling suggest that Labor principles are loved.

Mr. Rudd your problems will hit home, when your cold heartless policy agenda is revealed to the public.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Questions answered.

Mr. Rudd shows contempt for voters by being less than up front regarding his explanation as to his Brian Burke Dealings.

66% of Rudd supporters believe that Rudd was not honest regarding his Brian Burke dealings.

A true labor politician accepts that policy should not be solely based on an economic argument; there are social responsibilities to consider.

The basis for Rudd’s Nuclear Australia is solely an Economic argument, as explained by Mr. Evans.

Mr. Rudd wants a nuclear Australia, he is dishonestly and arrogantly claiming to the ALP that by accepting a Nuclear Australia Rudd would improve his chance of being PM.

If the ALP won’t accept his argument Rudd says the ALP will wither on the opposition benches become irrelevant.

Mr. Rudd I think you should presume that Labor Conference delegates, will fight for the values of the party.
Even though at the conference the Rudd platform will be discussed and not debated. Yeh right.

Mr. Rudd is arrogant; he should not presume that Labor Conference delegates give him the prerogative to unilaterally set policy because he thinks taking the party to the extreme right is required.

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - hhmmm... are you sure the Greens will support a Nuclear Australia.?

That’s a good question Mr. Rudd, The Greens are principled, and the nuclear issue was the catalyst for their birth worldwide.

Will they accept your opening the door to a Nuclear Australia?

Will The Greens take a principled stance which says we will not give preferences to any Party that promotes a Nuclear Australia, no matter what degree?

The greens can suffer a huge political price, similar to the Democrats and the GST.

Will the Labor Pro Nuclear Australia policy and Green preference flow be the Greens GST, and downfall?

Time will tell.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd – great, James Packers on board.

Media boss James Packer has urged the Federal Government to back Telstra's plan to provide high-speed broadband for Australia.
“Senator *** an said she was "always wary of people who prosecute the anti-regulation case for Telstra when they have a commercial case for doing so," the Sydney Morning Herald reported
Mr. Packer's call was immediately dismissed by Communications Minister Helen who accused the media boss of acting out of commercial self-interest.

So Mr. Rudd has a powerful media ally, and it’s only cost us Five Billions dollars.

Thank Mr. Rudd.

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - the policy

Mr Swan, interview, 7 March 2007. discussing cold 'Brand Labor' policy.

Journalist: Is this going to upset some sections of the Labor Party though?

SWAN: Look, I don’t know whether it will upset some sections of the Labor Party but there is no going back.

Journalist: It’s important that you remain united if you want to win the next election. Are you worried ….

SWAN: It certainly is important that we remain united but there can be no compromise when it comes to having a Platform that creates wealth in a globalised world.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - has anyone noticed my internet strategy?

Yes Mr Rudd I have, however I do not think its an honest way to deliver your message.

Mr Rudd spokesman has advised Mr Rudd is expected to use the internet as a part of his election campaign — and to use his embrace of new media as a sign that he is more in touch with the younger generation.

A spokesman for Mr Rudd confirmed, that "an online campaign is a key part of our election strategy …"

" Any politician in touch with the current generation understands you have to communicate with people through the web."

Yes Mr Rudd, but shouldn't it be with integrity?

The marketing of Mr Rudd - The Brand

Labor supporters continue rightly to support the true labor party values and policy,

but Rudd unfortunately has purged many of them from the party,

so to argue on the principles of Old Labor is not intellectually honest,

and can be used dishonestly by Mr. Rudd to garner un-warranted support

66% of Rudd supporters think Rudd lied as to his Burke dealings.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Polling which one do I release...the blue one.


Remember Private party polling is very useful, however there are 2 types, for party consumption only or for Party consumption , but designed for public consumption.

Released confidential Labor research tells voters what the party wants us to believe.

Look out for it. It tells us a lot.

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The Marketing of Mr Rudd - The New Right

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The Marketing of Mr Rudd - The New Right

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - The New Right

Uranium Policy ' Brand Labor'

Journalist: So it’s an economic argument…(inaudible)…?

'Brand Labor'.. Chris Evans:

"One of the key drivers of a change I think ought to be the economics."

Mr Rudd you cant keep having a bet each way, you must have integrity.

Your word's don't match your actions.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - I am not forgetting to consult,.. I am a leader.

Rudd is often heard talking about his leadership agenda.

May I remind Mr Rudd, that is not correct for him to do so.

Mr Rudd should not presume that Labor Conference delegates, give him the prerogative to unilaterally set policy.

You have much learn Mr Rudd

The marketing of Mr Rudd - National Conference 2007

The National Conference is the high point of Labor’s democratic structure.

Will someone tell Mr. Rudd?

RUDD: No, in the business of politics you take some hard decisions. Obviously, you can’t consult everybody as often and as extensively as you would like but the business of leadership is to lead.”

Mr. Rudd appears at odds with a number of key social issues, unfortunately most will be decided by internal dealing amoung 'Brand Labors" team and a select group of others.

The rest of us will have to wait to see democracy, ‘Brand Labor’ style unfold.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - damm, is there anyone in my team with Government experience.?

Broadband Billion's

Not Mr Swan,see how he explains why Rudd's $5 Billion vision is liked by the recipients of the $5 Billion handout.

Journalist: Why wouldn’t Telstra and G9 support your initiative given you’re saying you’d have to pay for something they’re paying for anyway?

SWAN: Well of course they support it because they’ve also got an interest in the future productive capacity of the country. ( They do indeed.)

Of course they do, Mr Rudd, they saw you comming, and reeled you in, highlighting your own inexperience.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Too high a price.

Mr. Rudd was obtaining numbers by doing deals at the grass routes to develop a policy platform, not numbers for a challenge, which saw Mr. Edwards’s, introduce Mr. Burke to Mr. Rudd

Friday, April 6, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - medicare saftey net, what was that again.

There are worrying signs of another Labor heart and soul issue, the medicare saftey net, is about to be dumped.

Doorstop interview, 5 April 2007.

Interviewer: What is Labor Party policy on the Medicare safety net?

SWAN: The Labor Party’s policy on the Medicare safety net is something that we’re looking at at the moment.

Rather than Mr Swan erasing voter fear , that Labor would keep the saftey net, he instead said that they are looking at it.


Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - The New Right

Mr Rudd's AWA's and IR comparison.

Lib = IR Unfair Dismissal + AWA's

Lab = IR Unfair Dismissal + AWA's + Trust Me.

The marketing of Mr. Rudd – my employer balanced IR policy platform, shhhh.

Mr. Rudd yesterday April 4 2007, discretely stated and, buried under a lot of message disrupting, waffle, the following policy direction was revealed.

JOHNS: So, you are saying that unfair dismissals, you are not going to bring them back.

RUDD: Our view on that is that we’ve got to ensure that we’ve got proper strong unfair dismissal laws."

Mr. Rudd now is advocating unfair dismissal laws.

He says they should be abolished, but now due to the deals we mention on a previous post, that had to be delivered on in the support of the numbers.

Mr. Rudd, now, is happy to have Unfair dismissal laws, which he says, “trust me they will be fair,” …. But …” I wont tell you until closer to the election...”

Let us keep the voter thinking that I Mr. Rudd represents real Labor and things will be ok.

It will only work for so long; it is very short term, and a dangerous approach to treat the voter with contempt Mr. Rudd.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - AWA's made easy.

Lib = AWA's

Lab = AWA's + trust?

MR rudd's integrity is a problem boys.

Might as well stay where I am, we dont need a change of Government

The marketing of Mr Rudd - let Ms Gillard soften us up.

Today Mr Rudd and his 'Brand of Labor', through Ms Gillard, has publically stated that labor will keep the AWA's, for about 3 years as a transition.

Today even Mr Rudd has decided to dump on the Australian movement, Mr Rudd is probabally looking at the union's membership figures, and believes they are no longer a relevant partner.

I hope he has told the unions.

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - badly managed issue will bite.

" Mr Rudd has been accused of avoiding media appearances to carefully manage his image and limit scrutiny of his policies. "

These will increase and Mr Rudd is under pressure to defend the critcism.

It neednt of happened.

It should have been used to your advantage.

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - Unions

Recent figures suggest that there is a start or trend upwards in union membership, obviously there has been a drop and a number of factors are involved.

Importantly the Australian Union Movement has had a proud history in the social equity of workers.

You may not have felt its value, but I bet you have a family member or friend that is still alive today because safe working practices instigated by the unions.

You may have a family or friend that has received pay increases, better conditions, even won respect from employee's because of the Unions work.

Today we understand that political parties on the whole subscribe to the economic imperative argument, we cannot afford old fashioned values in today’s global economy

The Australian Labor Party was born from the union movement, but today’s world dictates that the Australian Labor Party must adopt the economic argument.

Creating labor, an organization which is half in and half out especially to issues of values and social policy .

The failure by both parties to develop their own unique brand has lead to confusion in its own minds and the minds of the public and union members as to where they stand and what is the relationship between Labor and Unions.

The future for the Australian Union Movement, is not linked to a political party, it is linked by the core values of the union movement.

Its roles are recognizing the dignity and equity of workers, and lobbying a progressive social platform to the Government of the day.

Reassuringly, no matter what party is in power federally, there will always be an Australian Union Movement, relevant in all concerns of workers.

Like them or not, they are relevant.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Too high a price.

Federal Labor will pay a high price for a flawed strategy ,
it loses its reason for being relevant.

Positioning yourself as similar to the other party in the economic sense, even more, you can do it better,costs Labor its point of difference within the social values arena in turn leading to a decision by voters that their is no reason to change.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - The Brand


I look at political marketing and retail shop marketing, and see that political marketing is not as advanced and effective...

We have many competing politicians all over the country wanting to appear unique and more appealing than their competitor,even though there is really not much between them, with head office trying to force the voter to buy its brand.

Today the supermarkets preferred brands, home brands, are highly visible and positioned for easy recognition and access, and they sell.

Unfortunately for Mr. Rudd the critical factor for this strategy to work is that the supermarkets had to create an appropriate image for their home brand’s first.

Mr. Rudd’s marketing team, have missed a valuable opportunity to develop the Rudd Brand at little or no cost. I dare say they are saving funds to develop Mr. Rudd’s image for later on.

Mr. Rudd Marketing involves a co-ordinated strategy.

Soon we will be asked to buy a Brand.

The Marketing of Mr. Rudd – Hey who is supposed to be working on my image?


This interview demonstrates that Mr. Rudd is being poorly advised by his minders, or in fact there is no strategy to build the Kevin Rudd Brand.

Kelly , the Sydney Morning Herald where Alan Ramsay says that members of your staff essentially threatened a journalist who wrote a story contesting your childhood story and used terms like, “if the paper decides to publish we will regard it as a deliberate, malicious assault and we’ll have 100 people ready to roll tomorrow to trash you and your paper”. Have you looked into that?

RUDD: Well no I haven’t

KELLY: I’m more interested in the tone of this kind of comment to journalists to trash you and your paper?

RUDD: Well I’m not just aware of that having being said… I mean the bottom line is – it’s a robust game, it’s a robust business and sometimes you know, words are said, I accept that, but that’s just part and parcel of political life and we just get on with it.

Will someone please provide a strategy for the Mr Rudd Brand?

The Marketing Of Mr Rudd - Evolution to Labor, but someone please tell Mr Swan.

I trust senior Party officials, I trust that The Australian Labor Party will not become the Pro Nuclear Australian Labor Party. And IR will comeback to where the unions and decent workers want it, it will represent heart and soul of Labor values.

Kevin Rudd has now credentials to become a good Labor PM.

However as yesterdays Speech by Mr Swan to the Sydney Institute demonstrates Mr. Swan's lack of commitment to Mr Rudd's balanced values approach to Australian politics is getting in the way .

Australians believe and support the values of the Labor Party, that is why all states and territories are Labor.

Mr. Swan is continuing to push Mr Rudd into accepting an un balanced Federal Labor being Right wing economically driven neo-liberal party.

Mr Swan wants to mirror the economic style of the Liberals, and ditch at the same time the values of Labor, he believes that is what will win the election.

Unfortunately Australian voters show they like a different Federal Government Party to counter the States, to ensure appropriate checks and balances are in place, given that why would we vote in the same idilogical party that we currently have.

Whats the point of difference.

Mr. Swan what the voters want is a Labor Party with values and heart, not cold economic dogma.

Quotes yesterday By Mr. Swan.

“We cannot enmesh further into the global economy without business having competitive tax and regulatory settings… Labor stands ready to make the tough decisions necessary to preserve and enhance future prosperity.” … “They’ve (Libs) started substituting ideology for innovative thinking...”

And you haven’t Mr. Swan?

Why don’t you talk about getting the balance right, Son?

We want quality of life vision.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Don't believe everything I say, this is politics.

Mr Rudd 4 April 2007

Mr Rudd's Says .. " my job nationally is to free up our export regime for selling uranium to the rest of the world.."

Mr Rudd I hope this is a political statement, a deal is a deal.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The marketing of Kevin Rudd – Media shy or shy on strategy.

Everyone has a deadline for a story, an angle a unique perspective, but sometimes the daily life of the politician just doesn’t allow for a story any story, the commercial relity of the media however is it needs news.

The media has a difficult role in its relationship to the political process. Its reporting and commentating on politics can be fraught with problems, however let me say in the main we are well served.

Currently Kevin Rudd is in the process of refining his blueprint for the Labor Party’s National Conference, for the details we have to wait for conference.

Unfortunately for Kevin, brewing for a month now is an issue that sees reporters and commentators saying Kevin has been media shy, only doing soft interviews, which is true, resulting in a possible run of bad press and damage momentum.

Kevin’s advisors have not handled this opportunity, or developed a strategy to counter the issue.

Kevin should be shielded from the hard media and to a degree the soft, openly and publicly. He should bring people along with the process, which is the process, to develop the final platform. You know, light detail broad vision stuff.

People will follow a leader who allows the people in.

Think ouside the box.

Monday, April 2, 2007

The marketing of Kevin Rudd - Evolution into Labor.


Kevin Rudd has demonstrated recently that a day in politics is a long time but a week is definately a significantly long time.

The benefit derived from time is experience, and to a leader like Kevin Rudd adds greatly to his credentials for office.

As we know leadership contains an amalgam of qualities, to practice some over the other leads to a distortion of the trueness of a great leader leading ultimately to a leader with no followers.

Kevin Rudd understands this; he often says that it is always important to get the balance right.

I understand Kevin Rudd is practicing the importance of the right balance; it becomes increasingly clear by the positive statements by both Business and Union leaders concerning their negotiations with Kevin and his team.

Kevin Rudd and Labor, with partners in the Business and Union community will prove to be a formidable opponent to Mr. Howard and the Liberal Party come the November elections.


The marketing of Kevin Rudd - Evolution into Labor.

Politics is a strange game, its all about the numbers.

Tonight I confidently suggest, that Kevin Rudd is heading in the right direction.

I understand that the wayward pro nuc policy will not be passed at conference.

The unions have been treated equally in this regard.

It is still unclear weather the IR direction is properley balanced, but there is hope.

Kevin Rudd eveloutin to Labor, welcome aboard.


.The Marketing of Kevin Rudd – Evolution to a Labor Leader.


Kevin Rudd - Polling.

Today saw another poll, in the battle of Australia's votes for our hearts and minds, published.

I have said previously that polling in general is a tool to support a certain message, and that for all purpose the voter should only look towards individual private party polling, to get a real idea as to the state of play.

Of course the rider is that Private Party Polling must have integrity to the party's need for quality information.

It is during private party polling that the party can test out its products acceptability to the consumer.
The result is tweaking of policy and message.

This of course is totally legitimate and healthy in the evolution process of policy formation and bargaining.

For example I welcome the “Coming back home to Labor "
Sentiment being made in Kevin Rudd's policy platform, to get the balance right.

So up, down this week next week, polls are only relevant when the paper they are written on are used as wrapping paper of a good old feed of fish and chips.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mr Swan, not good son.


Our politicians should have integrity, Mr. Rudd should be held to account over his less than up front explanations regarding Brian Burke. Particularly learning that Brian Burke's daughter has been working with Mr. Rudd.

If politicians think that they can treat voters with contempt and get away with it they will. The degree depends on the individual character.

Mr. Rudd’s character it’s not looking good.

We voters should accept part of the responsibility because of our, which political team do you barrack for attitude, which allows our team mate to throw a high tackle but call foul to the umpire if the other team does it.

Have a look at the following quote to demonstrate how a politician, Mr. Swan, can treat voters with utter contempt.

Comments by Mr. Swan Media Statement - 29th March 2007

" ..Let’s not forget Peter Costello’s desire to scuttle Labor’s policy of increasing superannuation contributions. Prior to the 1996 election Costello promised to continue with Labor’s policy to increase contributions from 9 per cent to 15 per cent,"

The reality today Mr. Swan is a little bit different isn't it?

Recently Wayne Swan rejected the policy of increasing the super guarantee levy from 9% to 15%.

Mr. Swan explained the reason why it's not necessary to help the low income earner provide for their future, this way.

People could reach the 15% contribution through a mixture of the 9% guarantee levy;

Relaxing the means test for the $1,500 co-contribution scheme, the wealthy will like that;

And, this is what makes me mad, the shortfall to be paid by the individual increasing their own contributions.

We voters must start somewhere and insist on integrity; otherwise we taxpayers will be paying more tax for the stuff ups that occur


The marketing of Mr. Rudd - integrity and solar panel?


Mr. Rudd why bother to try and package a great idea which is a Liberal party idea as your own?

You tell us how fantastically Green you are, yet you are Pro Nuclear.

You lead us to believe that you have come up with this idea, then we find out it’s actually a Lib idea. The $4000 rebate for solar.

You announce it as your own on the strength of a deceitful argument that the Libs policy, which has already been extended to this years finnancial end.

Mr. Rudd Says...” But we do think it’s a practical form of assistance and we put this forward because the Government has not indicated that it will be continuing its own photovoltaic rebate scheme beyond June 2007.

Mr. Rudd the Budget is in May, thats when you will hear about the the Governments solar programme rebate scheme.

Are you so inexperienced in matters of Government.

Or just lacking integrity?


The marketing of Mr. Rudd - its not easy arguing the unarguable.


This is what Mr. Rudd says why he accepts that you can rip up forests of immense natural beauty hundreds of years old providing vital eco systems for flora and fauna in 2007 with a backdrop of climate change awareness, just for votes in Tasmania.

RUDD: Oh, no, look, when it comes to forest policy, we believe in a balanced approach. We want to make sure that there are appropriate conservation levels right across the country. And forests are important for the future. It’s all part of the fabric of an integrated response to climate change"

Yeh right Mr. Rudd you have sold us out, again.


The Premier of Western Australia called Brian Burke Toxic.


The point being Mr Rudd working with Sarah Burke should understand that the Toxic Brian Burke could have improperly used his daughter in his lobbying business.

Mr Rudd said that he did not understand Mr Burkes influence and position as a power broker in Western Australia, he has met Brian on many (3) occasions, so as leader of 'Brand Labor' Mr Rudd needs to have the information provided to him

Mr Rudd, look at the CCC information regarding Brian Burke, speak to WA Premier Mr Carpenter, then decide your self if there could be an improper use of Sarah Burke.


You say..".. as if this is true WHY haven't the government jumped onto this yet.."


Are you saying that if it was true, which it is, that you should rightly expect the Government to bring Mr Rudd to account for himself in Parliament.

I guess timming will determine the Governments responce.

All politician will seek to get their message out at an appropriate event, to lessen the oppositions events message getting out.

Politics, nothing out of the ordinary there.

Mr Rudd, your options are lessened by the day.

Soon you wont have to say anthing else on the Brian Burke affair as the tapped phone conversation intercepted by the Western Australian Corruption and Crime Commission, between you and Mr Burke will say it for you.

Remember Mr Rudd you started off this process by being less than up front in regards to your dealings with Mr Burke, and how you came to be at that dinner in Perth.


Mr Swan, interview, 7 March 2007.


Journalist: Is this going to upset some sections of the Labor Party though?

SWAN: Look, I don’t know whether it will upset some sections of the Labor Party but there is no going back.

Of course there is no going back Mr Swan, the deals have been done.

Alannah MacTiernan WA Senior Labor Minister says the leaders of a handful of unions in WA control a large percentage of the votes in the executive conference.

Mr Rudd understands this, Mr Rudd got too close to Brian Burke, and has not been up front about it.

In doing so Mr Rudd has lost his integrity and should not be endorsed as a Labor candadate for PM.

CCC revelations may make it impossible for Mr Rudd to talk his way out of the Brian
Burke affair.


Mr Rudd isnt a messiah, he is just a very very naughty boy.


Mr Rudd should accept the fact that there is an issue of accountability to avoid a conflict.

Mr. Rudd and Mr. Burke - My daughter works with you, that gives me an edge, improperly of course.

Accountability Mr. Rudd, what have you done to stop this potential conflict?

Ms Tanya Plibersek, Shadow Minister for Human Services, Housing, Youth and Women. Says...

"What is character? Character is doing the right thing, regardless of reward or approbation. Character means consistency, not convenience."

Character Mr. Rudd, if the other bloke should have it so should you.


Mr Burke's link to the highest position on the ALP.


Mr Rudd, works with Ms Burke on the National Executive.

Mr. Burke understands, as does Senior Western Australian Government Minister Alannah MacTiernan, when she says the leaders of a handful of unions in WA control a large percentage of the votes in the executive conference, can be a powerful motive.

Mr. Burkes close to the WA union movement.

Mr. Rudd was obtaining numbers by doing deals at the grass routes to develop a policy platform, not numbers for a challenge, which saw Mr. Edwards’s, introduce Mr. Burke to Mr. Rudd.

Mr. Rudd, working with Brian Burke’s daughter should be aware of Brian Burkes influence and tactics and not put his head in the sand.

There should be a system in place to stop this potential conflict of interest being improperly used, by Mr. Burke.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Three steps to hijack the ALP, while being knifed in the back.

Step 1 Attain Parliamentary Labor Party leadership.

Step 2 Develop policies that will guarantee the numbers and use the National Executive to persuade the Australian Labor Party, to hand over a valuable brand, the Labor brand to a small clique of politicians, with right wing ambitions, and take it to the Australian people.

Step 3 Obtain numbers by trading off values, doing deals with grass routes key stakeholders and lobbyists, whilst cultivating others.

Mr. Rudd took a slightly different route to get to the position he is in now. It is text book perfect.

Whilst understanding there would be leadership change in his party Mr. Rudd, started his long journey at Step 3, moved to step 2, then ultimately Step 1.

It is at the Step 3 obtaining numbers at the grass routes, not numbers for a challenge, which saw Mr. Edwards’s, introduce Mr. Burke to Mr. Rudd.

Brian Burke, the lobbyist described by WA Premier as ‘Toxic’ is a talented bloke, he was an ex Premier himself, and would have seen the benefit of, being a proud dad, and inform his prospective and current clients, ‘hey Yeh my daughter is on the ALP National Executive committee’ with Mr. Rudd.’.

And we know that Brian has the goosd in Western Australia.

Alannah MacTiernan WA Senior Labor Minister says the leaders of a handful of unions in WA control a large percentage of the votes in the executive conference.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - are you sure that political commentators can see the problem with my Broadband Billions?


Yes they can Mr. Rudd, it is obviously a flawed attempt to try and argue that you were not hooked by the Telco industry lobbyist’s cash grab.

Commentators are saying that if it is such a good idea, and it’s going to make such a handsome return to government on its 8 Billion dollar investment, why has the project not already been undertaken by the private sector?

The say what persuades Mr. Rudd that Picking Winners will work?

And to top it off they argue my previous point on this issue, that if the project has indeed not been undertaken because of some very serious failure in Australia's Telco policy, wouldn't it be better to simply change the policy at no cost to taxpayers?

I question if Mr. Rudd and his 'Brand of Labor' have undertaken a thorough cost-benefit analysis before throwing so much money?

Unfortunately for the Australian Labor Party, soon to be a pro Nuclear Party, and the taxpayers, Mr. Rudd's attitude these days is that he has made the decision, and the decision stands.

Consultation is not for strong leaders.

Mr. Rudd has the numbers, so we will have no choice than to see the birth of a new party that was once the ALP become a cold hearted soulless market driven neo-liberal party.

Mr. Rudd and your 'Brand of Labor' have killed of a great Australian socially progressive party, once known as the ALP.


Monday, March 26, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd: - you said toxic, right? ok, are you sure?

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - you said toxic, right? ok, are you sure?

The marketing of Mr Rudd: - The New Right

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The Marketing of Mr Rudd - The New Right

The marketing of Mr Rudd

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - are you sure Burke is still rellevent, even at conference?

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - are you sure Burke is still rellevent, even at conference?

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - are you sure Burke is still rellevent, even at conference?

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - are you sure Burke is still rellevent, even at conference?

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - are you sure Burke is still rellevent, even at conference?

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr. Rudd - remember you have the ALP President on side.

The marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr. Rudd - remember you have the ALP President on side.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - are you sure Burke is still rellevent, even at conference?

Alannah MacTiernan says the leaders of a handful of unions in WA control a large percentage of the votes in the executive conference

It was revealed in the CCC that Ms Archer gave assistance to Mr Burke when he was lobbying for a pearl producer.

The Pearls currently worn by Ms Archer are stunning.

Mr Reynolds is a close friend of Brian Burke.

Kevin Reynolds' wife is Shelley Archer, the WA Upper House Labor MP has described Brian Burke as a mentor and a very good friend.

The Premier said if she were a minister, he would have sacked her. Instead, he removed her from two parliamentary committees.

Mr Rudd, Brian Burke's mates are all over your 'Brand of Labor' The confrence will show it.

'Brand Labor' a Nuclear Australia.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - you said toxic, right? ok, are you sure?

The national ALP confrence, and Brian and Sarah Burke.

Mr. Rudd was frantically gathering numbers to drive is cold “brand of labor’ through conference on the weekend.

Fortunately, Mr. Rudd did not need to ring around WA that had already being actively pursued and delivered

Mr. Rudd’s acquaintance Brian Burke would have already worked on that.

And Brian Burke’s daughter Sarah Burke as a voting Member of the National Executive will ensure her allegiances are looked after.

Mr Rudd's 'Brand of Labor' a Nuclear Australia, and Toxic Brian Burke, they go tegether.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - It’s the policy stupid, but preferably it should be your own.

'Brand Labor' surely it’s embarrassing that discussion groups are talking about one of your main platforms education in this commentators quote?

.." Seems Rudd can’t find any ideas of his own so he rips of Govt Policy with less funding, what an idiot!!!!!

Policy formulation needs a basis; you seem not to understand that the union movement is the heart and sole of the party, your base.

Yet you continue to treat them as poor distant relations who you only visit when you need cash rather than listen and adopt some great social policies.

'Brand Labor" - engage the union movement.

The marketing of Mr. Rudd – keep going, double standards are ok.


The removal of Sen. Santoro, from the federal parliamentary scene is good news for Australian voters.

The fact that it shines the spotlight on accountability and honesty on to our politicians is a positive result for Australian voters.

Unfortunately for Mr. Rudd and ‘Brand Labor’ they do not get the message.

Mr. Rudd doesn’t think honesty applies to him or ‘Brand Labor’.

Mr. Rudd’s less than upfront and honest version of past events, demonstrate ‘Mr. Rudd’s double standard and reinforce the questionable slippery character he is.

Mr. Rudd’s refusal to resign demonstrate ‘Brand Labor’ political culture, they are interested in accountability as long it’s not one of Labors politicians.

Commentators have often said that the Federal Parliament needs a watchdog to oversee corruption and impropriety, but this would not help solve the voters concern over Mr. Rudd’s honesty, as Mr. Rudd, showing contempt for voters has not provided an explanation to parliament as to how he came to be at the Brian Burke dinner.

Mr. Rudd is waiting it out, while the voters await the time Mr. Rudd’s dishonesty will see him hounded from office.

Labor, a nuclear Australia, No, Labor, a dishonest Mr. Rudd, No.


The marketing of Mr. Rudd - remember you have the ALP President on side.

ALP incoming National President...Mr Faulkner;

“It is crucially important that the National President be fair to all elements and members of the Australian Labor Party.."

"But, as National President, I will maintain my strong commitment to my own views and values ..."

“During an election year, Labor's campaign and party organisation must be the National President's focus."

The ALP, have not yet brought to account Mr. Rudd for his dishonesty as to how he came to be at a dinner in Perth.

Is the National President of the ALP interested in the character of Mr. Rudd, in particular his failure to be up front and honest?

Lets see how this plays out, will Mr. Faulkner and the ALP endorse Mr. Rudd's dishonesty and lack of accountability at conference?


The marketing of Mr. Rudd – I must look strong, decisive, a man of vision, I need a vision? Broadband!


Commentators suggest Broadband infrastructure, will be provided by private enterprise, sooner rather than later.

The reality is that industry has been planning a roll out for years;

However the industry,understandably wants to negotiate legitimately, for a favorable government deal and hence legitimately lobbies it strongly.

Mr. Rudd, like you the industry understands that there is a dollar to be made.

Unfortunately for Mr. Rudd’s image, let alone the taxpayer, the inexperienced Mr. Rudd has fallen into there trap and accepted to fund private industry, which could cost us $4 Billion Dollars, in his hunt for a vision.

Mr Rudd's has no social , progressive vision, so he went shopping and bought what he thought was one.

Hmmm, does Brian Burke have clients in the communications industry?

Mr. Rudd should understand that limited consultation does not make him a strong leader he must start to consult widely with more experienced members of his party , before he commit’s billions of dollars.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - soulless cold 'Brand Labor' Vs heart and soul labor

National Conference, April 2007.

It is suggested that Delegates will deliver to the ALP our most up-to-date National Platform.

And a fighting Platform for 'Brand Labor' and current brand leader Mr Rudd.

Mr Rudd's 'Brand Labor' new leadership team will be active participants in all debates and events to ensure that the important issues, pre negociated well before the confrence are achieved.

Detail on Labor’s policies such as the economy, climate change, industrial relations, health and education will be discussed.

Not debated, discussed.

Sadly proud Delegates are to be given front row seats to watch the heart and soul being ripped out of the Australian Labor Party, by the slippery, Mr Rudd and his "Brand of Labor'.

Starting with The Australian Labor Party becomming a pro nuclear Australia party, ironically based soley on an economic arguement.

The Conference will be an opportunity for delegates and observers to see 'Brand Labor’s' alternative policy vision, but not discuss it.

Mr Rudd look's certain to get his groups mandate through confrence.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - let’s spend billions of dollars because I have big balls.


Doorstop Interview - 23rd March 2007
Steven Conroy ‘Brand Labor’, Re Broadband policy development.

JOURNALIST: Senator, the Caucus meeting that approved the Rudd plan took two hours. Are you certain that all your colleagues will hold together, it won’t be an issue for you at next month’s Conference?

CONROY: I’m confident that the Caucus is strongly, overwhelmingly supported Kevin. Kevin acknowledged that there wasn’t as much consultation as perhaps was ideal and he wanted to take a strong and tough decision, because this country needs some tough decisions, some hard decisions

I can not believe, Mr. Rudd a so called intellectual would risk the future fund billions of dollars, on an idea which was not based on consultation because he wanted to take a strong and tough decision.

Australian Labor Party, the warning signs can not be ignored.

Progressive social policy with Mr. Rudd and Mr. Swans, I don’t think so.

Their ‘Brand of Labor’ is not labor.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - how do i make myself look like Labor ?

Mr Rudd tells the voters of NSW, dont throw out the Labor government, even though the NSW state is in a mess, because we are Labor.
NSW more of the same, Australia Mr Rudd's 'Brand of Labor' is not Labor!

Mr Rudd's Nuclear Australia, because it stacks up economically is not Labor.

Mr Rudd's team member Mr Swan says, let the voter pic up the super top up, we wont, is not Labor

Mr Rudd tells the Australian Labor Party, we dont want a debate on Mr Cameron's proposal to challenge the current dog eat dog market driven philosophy, is not Labor

Mr Rudd's 'Brand of Labor' and Mr Rudd's questionable character, do not represent Labor.

. Give us a better candidate for the alternative PM.


The Marketing of Mr Rudd - a loser is still a loser.

Polling in NSW for the state election say voters believe

they have a choice between dumb and dumber.

Prediction, Labor is tipped to win.

In the federal election I have said many times that by continuing with Mr Rudd and his cold 'Brand of Labor',
the voters are being given a choice of a loser and and a bigger loser.

Prediction, Liberals to retain Government.

Mr Rudd has jettisoned core Labor values and replaced them with the dog eat dog mentality of the market being supreme.

No choice left to the voters than to stick with what we have.

Nuclear Australia, no 'Brand Labor.'

The marketing of Mr Rudd - a loser is still a loser.

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - a loser is still a loser.

NSW head to the ballot box today 24 March 2007, to what punters and pollers suggest will be a landslide win for the state labor party.

Commentators have suggested that NSW election can demonstrate how an on the nose government, Mr. Iemma's Labor Government can manage to cling to power when the voters are keen to see the end of it.

'Brand Labor's Mr. Rudd pushed his line this week to the voters of NSW;

Mr. Rudd “Let the people of NSW not wake up on Sunday morning having engaged in a protest vote.... with a state Liberal Government elected as a result, That is something this state doesn’t deserve"

Mr. Rudd says, even though NSW has enormous problems, created by the Labor Government, voters should back labor because it is labor.

Mr. Rudd is forgetting that his 'Brand of Labor' is not what most of us would think of as Labor.

Mr. Rudd has ripped out the heart and soul of labor and replaced it with the cold economic rationalization doctrine, the market is god.

This is demonstrated in Mr. Rudd's push for a Nuclear Australia.

Mr. Rudd's sole argument for an open slather nuclear industry is an economic argument.

Somewhat hypocritical in light of his recent comments.

The Australian Labor Party, should make a change from Mr. Rudd's cold soulless 'Brand of Labor' and give the voter a TRUE BLUE 'Brand of Labor' which has heart and soul.

Other wise we will have Mr. Rudd, hypocritically saying before the next federal election, exercise your protest vote and toss out the government, because they are not labor.

Mr. Rudd you’re not Labor...


The marketing of Mr Rudd - appear market driven.

Media Statement - 23rd March 2007 Perth, Senator Chris Evans.

Evans “Labor rejects the Howard Government’s push for nuclear power in Australia."

But hypocritically it says we are happy to continue to export uranium, and open up the entire industry to the market.

Evans “The simple fact is that with or without the current ALP policy Australia will be a major supplier of uranium well into the future.”

Mr. Rudd you are aware of Mr. Evans comments that the ALP policy is irrelevant to the uranium industries growth.

But Mr. Rudd’s ‘Brand Labor’ proposes to drag Australia further on the path to a Nuclear Australia.

Evans "The simple fact is that with or without the current ALP policy Australia will be a major supplier of uranium well into the future."

Mr. Rudd, the three mine policy is the compromise the party gave, with the understanding, that this policy will end the party's exposure to the Nuclear Industry.

'Brand Labor' nuclear, no way.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - National Conference 2007 is my stage, got to work the phones.

Labor’s new team under the leadership of Kevin Rudd will be the focus of the ALP’s 44th National Conference.

The National Conference is the high point of Labor’s democratic structure.

Will someone tell Mr. Rudd?

RUDD: No, in the business of politics you take some hard decisions. Obviously, you can’t consult everybody as often and as extensively as you would like but the business of leadership is to lead.”

Mr. Rudd appears at odds with a number of key social issues, unfortunately most will be decided by internal dealing amoung 'Brand Labors" team and a select group of others.

The rest of us will have to wait to see democracy, ‘Brand Labor’ style unfold.

The marketing of Mr Rudd - remember you have a credibility problem so try to be consistent.

Mr Rudd, Dec 06.

"We have seen this complete right-wing takeover of modern liberalism, and it is
an ugly spectacle to behold. It is in its essence about everything being an
economic commodity. It is about everything being about the triumph of the

Uranium Policy ' Brand Labor'

Journalist: So it’s an economic argument…(inaudible)…?

'Brand Labor'.. Chris Evans:

"One of the key drivers of a change I think ought to be the economics."

Mr Rudd you cant keep having a bet each way, you must have integrity.

Your word's don't match your actions

the marketing of Mr Rudd - lets have a Nuclear Australia.

Media Statement - 23rd March 2007 Perth, Senator Chris Evans.

Evans “Labor rejects the Howard Government’s push for nuclear power in Australia."

But hypocritically it says we are happy to continue to export uranium, and open up the entire industry to the market.

Evans “The simple fact is that with or without the current ALP policy Australia will be a major supplier of uranium well into the future.”

Mr. Rudd you are aware of Mr. Evans comments that the ALP policy is irrelevant to the uranium industries growth.

But Mr. Rudd’s ‘Brand Labor’ proposes to drag Australia further on the path to a Nuclear Australia, by an advocating an open slather approach.

"The simple fact is that with or without the current ALP policy Australia will be a major supplier of uranium well into the future.

Mr. Rudd, the 3 mine policy is the compromise the party gave, with the understanding, that this policy will end the party's exposure to the Nuclear Industry.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - integrity problem

The Marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - integrity problem

The Marketing of Mr Rudd: The Marketing of Mr Rudd - the policy

The Marketing of Mr Rudd: The Marketing of Mr Rudd - the policy

The Marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - integrity problem

The Marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - integrity problem

Australian Labor - The Marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - ?

Australian Labor - The Marketing of Mr Rudd: The marketing of Mr Rudd - ?

The marketing of Mr Rudd - ?

This posting should make us hang our heads in shame.

It demonstrates the helplessness and hopelessness of a large part of society.

Snak3 says.." Personal, I believe it will never make any driffents who you vote for, Once in, they couldnt care less for the comman people,that put them there.once in power,thier main concern is how much money they can stuff up thier rear door.they talk the talk, but thier walk is not the walk of the people.I still think Chopper'mark'reed.would be a far better PM."

Apathy and lack of hope are not the tools 'Brand Labor' should use.

It should wake'Brand Labor' up as to what do they really stand for.

Mr Swan on Super, Let the individual put in the top up.

Mr Rudd team spokesperson on negative gearing, Doug didn't get it write.

Mr Rudd diminishing the Rich getting richer debate.

'Brand Labor' think of the party, think of the passion of the believers, deliver social policy, deliver a leader we can be proud of as we go forth into the developing a better socially inclusive society.

It doesn't have to be a dream, something we consider whilst being back in opposition.'Brand Labor' come back to the heart and soul of the party.

It's Time

The marketing of Mr Rudd - integrity problem

Yesterday 21 March 2007, Mr Rudd positioned himself with a back drop of school kids to deliver a political message.

He declared that he and Mr Howard should have an honest debate to the election.

When we look at why it was necessary to give this public political message it becomes clear that Mr Rudd's polling is telling him and 'Brand Labor' that Mr Rudd needs to have people believe him and in him , we wont listen or trust him and therefore wont listen.

Remember 'Brand Labor polling suggest two thirds of people polled do not believe Mr Rudd's account as to that dinner in Perth. Polling would have been targeted, ouch.

From the spin we can reveal the messages true intent, that 'Brand Labor have major credibility issues with it's current candidate, Mr Rudd.

And we can look forward to seeing many pretty back drops while Mr Rudd attempts to give us the spin message, integrity, i'm full of it!

The marketing of Mr Rudd - integrity problem

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Selling policy is hard without integrity.

Wayne Swan Radio interview 22 March 2007 Re the future fund. Transcript from 'Brand Labor'

Journalist: Is this not at odds with your previous statements that the Future Fund should be locked away and that the proceeds should not be removed?

SWAN: No absolutely because we made the point that the Future Fund should be a locked box.What we said however was that we would look at using some of the income stream for productive purposes.

Journalist: Inaudible.......{.yeh right.}

SWAN: No it’s not what we’re doing here because this came along after we made that proposal.

Sounds a bit slippery to me.

Trust 'Brand Labor' integrity.

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - The New Right

The marketing of Mr. Rudd – The new right.

I believe it is irresponsible of the executive of the Australian Labor Party, to hand over a valuable brand, the Labor brand to a small clique of untrustworthy politicians, with questionable personal political ambitions, and then walk away and hope that this group, Mr. Rudd’s ‘Brand Labor’ will actually deliver the agenda that the Australian Labor Party stands for.

Loyalty to the ‘Party” means accepting this right wing philosophy by Mr. Rudd’s ‘Brand Labor’.

By giving away it’s brand, the ALP watches from a distance the values which it holds dear being lost, in turn it leaves the believer to stand by and watch the destruction of a socially progressive party , by the coldhearted soulless current ‘Brand Labor’ lead by the less than upfront Mr. Rudd.
And ultimately hamstrung by the adoption of a right wing agenda to pursue and consider vision for a better society.

All the pain must be for something?

The adoption of cold soulless right wing market driven ‘Brand Labor’ is necessary, apparently, to achieve acceptance by the mainstream voter and ultimately lead to an election victory.

The payoff for the ALP we are told is that once in government ‘Brand Labor’ will listen to the ‘Party’ and introduce the real social platform.

Social policy by stealth.

Mr. Rudd doorstop interview, 22 March 2007.

JOURNALIST: Why wasn’t there more discussion with backbenchers?

RUDD: No, in the business of politics you take some hard decisions. Obviously, you can’t consult everybody as often and as extensively as you would like but the business of leadership is to lead. I think I’ve done that.

It is a big ask to trust Mr. Rudd to deliver.

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - The New Right

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - The new right.

Mr. Rudd's Nuclear Australia, pitch was launched in Perth Western Australia, today 23 March, 2007.

But strangely, Mr. Rudd chose not to launch the pitch for a Nuclear Australia.

Is Mr. Rudd Perth shy?

Mr. Rudd would have an extensive knowledge of Western Australia, through his good mate Mr. Edwards. Mr. Edwards being a good mate with Mr. Burke introduced the pair in 2005.

Mr. Rudd would have been reacquainted with fellow dinners from the Brian Burke labor business leader’s dinner in Perth, a great opportunity for him to strengthen his relationship with industry leaders.

Where’s Mr. Rudd?

Labor and Uranium – An Evolution
Speech by Senator Chris Evans
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Shadow Minister for National Development, Resources and Energy
To the Labor Business Roundtable
Parmelia Hilton, Perth, 23 March 2007, 7.30am

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - integrity problem

I recently had a discussion with a fellow voter about the political culture in Australian politics.
It shows the trap you can fall into when you are moraly questionable.

The fellows arguement was that "..., politics simply doesn't posses any principal figures who would conform to the sort of straight-up honesty and integrity that you imply Rudd ought to have....".

I suggest why then bother defending the integrity of Mr Rudd, while attacking the integrity of other political leaders?

A contributer to the debate made the following comment.

" This is of course the issue. If we are prepared to brush off integrity questions about one side of politics, shouldn't we also brush them off for the other side ?

If this is the case shouldn't the converse also be true?

If we are prepared, as a voting public, to lambaste the coaltion over the most minute detail, should we not in the interests of a balanced debate and pursuit of fair comparison apply the same critical analysis to the opposition?

To not do this is to hold one side of politics to a higher standard than the other."

'Brand Labor' Integrity is important, regognise it, deal with it?


The marketing of Mr Rudd - integrity problem

Former ALP pollster Rod Cameron says his polling of focus groups shows the government's assault on Mr Rudd's character in recent weeks has left voters unimpressed.

"They don't understand what the issue is all about and therefore it is rebounding on John Howard's character."

This is the reason the old gaurd of 'Brand Labor' are running scared, falling over them selves attempting to muddy the waters so the voter stops listening.

They cant allow the voter to understand that Mr Rudd's character is indeed questionable.


The marketing of Mr Rudd - integrity problem

Mr Rudd's inability to sell 'Brand Labor's' product, has again emerged, with the continuing debate over Mr Rudd's questionable morality.

His able deputy Ms Gillard said this today in relation to attacks on Mr Rudd over the childhood experience which changed Mr Rudd's life..

"I don't know what about that Mr Abbott can't get. I think every other Australian would understand Mr Rudd's past and how it burnt into him Labor values.

"This is a new low in Australian politics, even for Tony Abbott."

This is why Ms Gillard .

Voters want more from our Government than settling for mediocrity, we want substantial debate and integrity from our politicians.

Voters want a real choice in candidates for public office, at the moment it seems we have a ' looser and a bigger looser’.

We want a system that says it's not ok for Mr. Rudd an aspiring Australian PM , to be put to the Australian voter by 'Brand Labor' on the basis that , Yeh sure he's has been exposed and tainted, but he's not as bad as the other guy.

We must all take responsibility in creating a new culture of political standards and expectations.

Last word to, Vocational and Technical Education Minister.

Andrew Robb said the attacks on Mr Rudd were a legitimate means of testing the Queenslander's fitness to be prime minister.

"Kevin Rudd ... has to accept that people need to find out what's in his heart - what maketh the man," Mr Robb told the National Press Club in Canberra.

"When something unexpected happens if he happened to be prime minister, would he be under the table or would be upfront leading the charge, dealing with the issue?

"It is our legitimate job to question and probe..."

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - nuts and bolts

‘Brand Labor’ ; strategies to sell their product, Mr Rudd.

Rule 1 version 2.
Mr Rudd to be utilised if the issue is world focused, which could makes him appear statesman like.

Following is an example.

Mr Rudd, Media Statement - 14th March 2007. 1 of 12 issued by the ALP yesterday

" I am deeply disturbed and angered by recent events in Zimbabwe."

I'm sorry Mr Rudd some one forgot to point out Rule 1 version 2 sub point 1, it must be relevant.

The inhumane treatment by Mugabe, to his poor citizens has been going on for years now sad and injust as that is.

Because of not understand rule 1.2.1 'Relevance' the announcement didnt gain traction and became nothing more than a failed positioning statement issued by the doctors of spin.


The Marketing of Mr Rudd - nuts and bolts

‘Brand Labor’ ; strategies to sell their product, Mr Rudd;

Rule 1 version 1.
On matters requiring integrity we will utilize Ms. Gillard.

Following is a sample from Ms Gillard yesterday.

The federal opposition insists its industrial relations policy, including dismantling of the government's Work Choices legislation, will not send Australian workers backwards.

“Let me assure you that not one part of Labor's industrial relations policy is about going back," she said.

“For the government to argue that the current good times are a result of Work Choices is disingenuous, so don't be fooled," she said.“

The government doesn't want to put the evidence together because it knows evidence will show its claims about Work Choices legislation are untrue," she said.

Trust and integrity are important when you are asking us for our support.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - the policy

It's the policy stupid, which should include the heart and soul of the party philosophy.

Why do we allow a paradigm, which we don't believe in constrict or paralyses our ability to consider a vision?

Has the cold hearted market purist's philosophy pervaded into all political party's, some by intent others by stealth and creep?

Is fear of being branded financially irresponsible, because we dare add the social benefits to communities and the nation to the ledger, limiting 'Brand Labor'

It will be interesting to see how 'Brand Labor' and Mr. Rudd tackle this issue as it is not easy to provide vision for a better society with one eye blindfolded


The Marketing of Mr Rudd - Unions

'Brand Labor' are fortunate to have the support of the vast majority of the union movement, men and women at the grass roots, and at the heart of our countries prosperity, to assist the parliamentary party develop policy.

However I question the commitment of 'Brand Labor' to understand the importance of this resource and work, seriously in policy formation.

The union movement should not be sidelined by 'Brand Labor' as it pushes for government, hopefully later to be handed the spoils of government, like scraps to a dog.

Unions deserve better, unions know better.

Doug Cameron AMWU national secretary in particular understands that good policy debate can lead to a better society.
He want’s a good fair society, not the current dog eat dog society, further he is doing something about it, the AMWU along with four other progressive unions are taking the debate to the Labor Part's national conference next month.

The policy debate, stop the poor getting poorer and rich getting richer aims to change Australia's pro-market, neo-liberal economic direction, is to be recommended and supported by all voters of all political persuasions.
Of course there is the usual opposition from the Wright of the political spectrum to even having the progressive debate, sadly though current opposition leader Mr. Rudd is opposed to aspects of the proposal, which ultimately will lead to a greatly diminished debate, if at all.

I have said it before, 'Brand Labor' - it's the policy stupid.

The small group of marketers and advisors to Mr. Rudd and Mr. Rudd himself must be required to engage the union's not only for the financial resources it provides but for its ideas, its passion, and its vision for a fairer society.

I still don’t think Mr. Rudd is the correct candidate, but I hope he listens when told that Australian unions are justifiably proud of there record in Australia's history and deserve the respect to be heard, because they could be the key to your political success.


The marketing of Mr Rudd

I am concerned that Mr. Rudd choose to explain, incorrectly, how he came to be at the dinner in Perth, not who he had dinner with because it demonstrates a great deal about his character and therefore his suitability to be an Australian PM candidate.

Participants in this discussion feel that it is somehow appropriate , acceptable, expected or understandable, that a potential candidate for Prime Minister, can lie and treat voters with contempt because,' the other mob do it to'.

I contend it is that very argument which leads to apathy toward the political process, creating a culture which rewards the mediocre and those of questionable character. The culture ultimately gains acceptance and becomes the morn, standard politics 101.

Communication outlets are rife with tales of political scandal, we read, listen, watch and some make comments relevant to the so called 'scandal of the day' but inevitably we go on with our lives contently apathetic knowing that's what politicians do. Who wins in this scenario?

So yes of course the dinner explanation should matter to us all.

Voters want more from our Government than settling for mediocrity, we want substantial debate and integrity from our politicians. Voters want a real choice in candidates for public office, at the moment it seems we have only a ' looser and a bigger looser’.

We want a system that says it's not ok for Mr. Rudd an aspiring Australian PM , to be put to the Australian voter by 'Brand Labor' on the basis that , Yeh sure he's has been exposed and tainted, but he's not as bad as the other guy. We must all take responsibility in creating a new culture of political standards and expectations.

Lets look at the question posed as a result of Mr. Rudd's less than upfront account to us the voter.

Should we the Aussie voter embrace a potential PM knowing that he had been prepared to offer an incorrect scenario to us in order to get out of a potential political bind?
