Sunday, March 25, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd – keep going, double standards are ok.


The removal of Sen. Santoro, from the federal parliamentary scene is good news for Australian voters.

The fact that it shines the spotlight on accountability and honesty on to our politicians is a positive result for Australian voters.

Unfortunately for Mr. Rudd and ‘Brand Labor’ they do not get the message.

Mr. Rudd doesn’t think honesty applies to him or ‘Brand Labor’.

Mr. Rudd’s less than upfront and honest version of past events, demonstrate ‘Mr. Rudd’s double standard and reinforce the questionable slippery character he is.

Mr. Rudd’s refusal to resign demonstrate ‘Brand Labor’ political culture, they are interested in accountability as long it’s not one of Labors politicians.

Commentators have often said that the Federal Parliament needs a watchdog to oversee corruption and impropriety, but this would not help solve the voters concern over Mr. Rudd’s honesty, as Mr. Rudd, showing contempt for voters has not provided an explanation to parliament as to how he came to be at the Brian Burke dinner.

Mr. Rudd is waiting it out, while the voters await the time Mr. Rudd’s dishonesty will see him hounded from office.

Labor, a nuclear Australia, No, Labor, a dishonest Mr. Rudd, No.


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