Monday, April 16, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - when is a lie a lie? And does it matter anyway?


Yes Mr. Rudd it does.

Is a lie as simple as the telling of a fact that is knowingly incorrect?

Is a lie the intent to misinform by not disclosing all the relevant information which is being sought?

Has Mr. Rudd become so focused on attaining a goal that credibility, integrity and honesty is being tossed aside in its pursuit?

In the political environment the answer depends on the perspective of the audience, supporters of the liar will accept it, non supporters will not, but those with no allegiance will see it as what it is, ultimately leading to the disconnection or alienation of the voter from the political process.

A political party needs to be able to spread its message further than its traditional supporter base. In Australia there are a good 10% of voters that are not bolted on to a political party, these are the voters who have been alienated and disconnected from the political process.

To reach these voters a political party needs to get its message to them, unfortunately they have stopped listening.

So yes a lie is a lie and the result will be little or more likely no growth of Labors primary vote under your stewardship.


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