Monday, May 14, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - Conservative Labor

Mr Rudd, is demonstrating how easy it is to change from a principled Labor postion to a Conservative Labor Party position.

Climate change emmission targets, the enviornment, has been placed behind economic interest.
Not setting mandatory targets until an economic report.

Pure Rudd conservative politics vs, Labor supporters held views for the need for Leadership on enviornment issues.

Mr Rudd, has taken back control of IR policy, from Ms Gillard because it was too worker friendly, not business friendly enough for a Conservative politician.

Pure Rudd Conservative politics, vs Labor supporters views on being a workers party.

The determined Mr Rudd applying the economic test first is at odds with Labor Supporters who believe in social justice and the dignity of the worker and leadership in enviornmental matters.

Labor supporters have not yet understood that a Conservative Labor Party will produce a policy platform that they will find difficult to support.

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