Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - it's my way or the highway at conference.


I know Mr Rudd.

Rudd interview 10 April 2007.

CLARK: Okay, you’ve got the National Conference of the ALP coming up, are you confident that out of that, that you’re going to get the policies that you want and won’t get rolled by the factions?

RUDD: " Well I’m pretty clear that we need to put a very clear message to the country about where we want to take it on the economy and on fairness.

And I’m confident that the message I want to take to Conference will be backed up by the Conference itself

as you note,

the Conferences are always full of their own colour and movement, I’m sure ours will be as well.

( how condesending to Party concerns)

But in terms of a clear-cut message for working families and what we intend to do to build long-term prosperity,

I’m confident I’ll have the backing of the Australian Labor Party Conference."

Yep deals done , heart and soul of Labor gone.

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