Monday, April 2, 2007

The marketing of Kevin Rudd - Evolution into Labor.


Kevin Rudd has demonstrated recently that a day in politics is a long time but a week is definately a significantly long time.

The benefit derived from time is experience, and to a leader like Kevin Rudd adds greatly to his credentials for office.

As we know leadership contains an amalgam of qualities, to practice some over the other leads to a distortion of the trueness of a great leader leading ultimately to a leader with no followers.

Kevin Rudd understands this; he often says that it is always important to get the balance right.

I understand Kevin Rudd is practicing the importance of the right balance; it becomes increasingly clear by the positive statements by both Business and Union leaders concerning their negotiations with Kevin and his team.

Kevin Rudd and Labor, with partners in the Business and Union community will prove to be a formidable opponent to Mr. Howard and the Liberal Party come the November elections.


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