Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The marketing of Kevin Rudd – Media shy or shy on strategy.

Everyone has a deadline for a story, an angle a unique perspective, but sometimes the daily life of the politician just doesn’t allow for a story any story, the commercial relity of the media however is it needs news.

The media has a difficult role in its relationship to the political process. Its reporting and commentating on politics can be fraught with problems, however let me say in the main we are well served.

Currently Kevin Rudd is in the process of refining his blueprint for the Labor Party’s National Conference, for the details we have to wait for conference.

Unfortunately for Kevin, brewing for a month now is an issue that sees reporters and commentators saying Kevin has been media shy, only doing soft interviews, which is true, resulting in a possible run of bad press and damage momentum.

Kevin’s advisors have not handled this opportunity, or developed a strategy to counter the issue.

Kevin should be shielded from the hard media and to a degree the soft, openly and publicly. He should bring people along with the process, which is the process, to develop the final platform. You know, light detail broad vision stuff.

People will follow a leader who allows the people in.

Think ouside the box.

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