Monday, April 16, 2007

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - political advisors are supposed to advise candidly,.... and truthfully?


The Fake Dawn Service Affair is about to return to the National headlines, with a bang! Unfortunately it could have been resolved by just being upfront.

I notice Mr. Rudd said in a Doorstop interview 16April 2007,

RUDD: " The first information I had about there being any concern about an early dawn service was when this matter became a matter of public controversy."

" And as I said before, the email that I referred to before in answer to the question over here, was overlooked by my staff."

" It was overlooked by my staff when I put together an initial response to this when the first article was produced by the Sunday Telegraph and the Sunday Mail. It only came to light later last week.”

Did Mr. Rudd himself issue all the press release denials, with no contact with his staff on Easter Sunday.? No

Did Mr. Rudd’s staff issue the press releases on Easter Sunday? Yes.

Now the question is did Mr. Rudd ask his small number of staff, what they knew about the allegations before the denials were sent?

Note we are not talking about the Emails in question.

To Say the matter is over because his office overlooked an email during the search for the truth, is a red herring, and an attempt at non disclosure.

This matter has not been resolved and the red herring is about to be flushed out.

We await the Press Club dialouge today...


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