Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mr Swan, not good son.


Our politicians should have integrity, Mr. Rudd should be held to account over his less than up front explanations regarding Brian Burke. Particularly learning that Brian Burke's daughter has been working with Mr. Rudd.

If politicians think that they can treat voters with contempt and get away with it they will. The degree depends on the individual character.

Mr. Rudd’s character it’s not looking good.

We voters should accept part of the responsibility because of our, which political team do you barrack for attitude, which allows our team mate to throw a high tackle but call foul to the umpire if the other team does it.

Have a look at the following quote to demonstrate how a politician, Mr. Swan, can treat voters with utter contempt.

Comments by Mr. Swan Media Statement - 29th March 2007

" ..Let’s not forget Peter Costello’s desire to scuttle Labor’s policy of increasing superannuation contributions. Prior to the 1996 election Costello promised to continue with Labor’s policy to increase contributions from 9 per cent to 15 per cent,"

The reality today Mr. Swan is a little bit different isn't it?

Recently Wayne Swan rejected the policy of increasing the super guarantee levy from 9% to 15%.

Mr. Swan explained the reason why it's not necessary to help the low income earner provide for their future, this way.

People could reach the 15% contribution through a mixture of the 9% guarantee levy;

Relaxing the means test for the $1,500 co-contribution scheme, the wealthy will like that;

And, this is what makes me mad, the shortfall to be paid by the individual increasing their own contributions.

We voters must start somewhere and insist on integrity; otherwise we taxpayers will be paying more tax for the stuff ups that occur


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