Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mr Swan, interview, 7 March 2007.


Journalist: Is this going to upset some sections of the Labor Party though?

SWAN: Look, I don’t know whether it will upset some sections of the Labor Party but there is no going back.

Of course there is no going back Mr Swan, the deals have been done.

Alannah MacTiernan WA Senior Labor Minister says the leaders of a handful of unions in WA control a large percentage of the votes in the executive conference.

Mr Rudd understands this, Mr Rudd got too close to Brian Burke, and has not been up front about it.

In doing so Mr Rudd has lost his integrity and should not be endorsed as a Labor candadate for PM.

CCC revelations may make it impossible for Mr Rudd to talk his way out of the Brian
Burke affair.


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