Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - nuts and bolts

‘Brand Labor’ ; strategies to sell their product, Mr Rudd.

Rule 1 version 2.
Mr Rudd to be utilised if the issue is world focused, which could makes him appear statesman like.

Following is an example.

Mr Rudd, Media Statement - 14th March 2007. 1 of 12 issued by the ALP yesterday

" I am deeply disturbed and angered by recent events in Zimbabwe."

I'm sorry Mr Rudd some one forgot to point out Rule 1 version 2 sub point 1, it must be relevant.

The inhumane treatment by Mugabe, to his poor citizens has been going on for years now sad and injust as that is.

Because of not understand rule 1.2.1 'Relevance' the announcement didnt gain traction and became nothing more than a failed positioning statement issued by the doctors of spin.


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