Friday, March 23, 2007

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - let’s spend billions of dollars because I have big balls.


Doorstop Interview - 23rd March 2007
Steven Conroy ‘Brand Labor’, Re Broadband policy development.

JOURNALIST: Senator, the Caucus meeting that approved the Rudd plan took two hours. Are you certain that all your colleagues will hold together, it won’t be an issue for you at next month’s Conference?

CONROY: I’m confident that the Caucus is strongly, overwhelmingly supported Kevin. Kevin acknowledged that there wasn’t as much consultation as perhaps was ideal and he wanted to take a strong and tough decision, because this country needs some tough decisions, some hard decisions

I can not believe, Mr. Rudd a so called intellectual would risk the future fund billions of dollars, on an idea which was not based on consultation because he wanted to take a strong and tough decision.

Australian Labor Party, the warning signs can not be ignored.

Progressive social policy with Mr. Rudd and Mr. Swans, I don’t think so.

Their ‘Brand of Labor’ is not labor.


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