Thursday, March 29, 2007

You say..".. as if this is true WHY haven't the government jumped onto this yet.."


Are you saying that if it was true, which it is, that you should rightly expect the Government to bring Mr Rudd to account for himself in Parliament.

I guess timming will determine the Governments responce.

All politician will seek to get their message out at an appropriate event, to lessen the oppositions events message getting out.

Politics, nothing out of the ordinary there.

Mr Rudd, your options are lessened by the day.

Soon you wont have to say anthing else on the Brian Burke affair as the tapped phone conversation intercepted by the Western Australian Corruption and Crime Commission, between you and Mr Burke will say it for you.

Remember Mr Rudd you started off this process by being less than up front in regards to your dealings with Mr Burke, and how you came to be at that dinner in Perth.


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