Saturday, May 26, 2007

The marketing of Mr Rudd - China

What is Mr Rudd's position on the question of Taiwanese independance, as the opposition leader we need to know where he stands.

Will Mr Rudd release a foreign affairs policy for us the voter to judge.

Should we just accept China's view on the soverignty issue because of trade impilications, rather than taking a global stand over China's Human Rights abuses including those against Taiwan.

It becomes clear that we are at a cross roads in the politics involved in Taiwans desire for independance.

There is a direct link and clash here between our foreign affairs relationship with China, and our obligations under the ANZUS treaty, that need to be debated.

Currently if there were an outbreak of hostilities between China and Taiwan,{ who want independance } Under the ANZUS treaty we are bound to offer assistance to Taiwan.

Where as Mr Rudd shares an alternative view, a pro China view, statments by Mr Rudd say that Taiwan should not talk about political independance from China.

Its a very interesting issue.

Is Mr Rudd too personaly engaged with China to offer an unbiased view.


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