Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Marketing of Mr Rudd - The New Right

The marketing of Mr. Rudd - The new right.

Mr. Rudd's Nuclear Australia, pitch was launched in Perth Western Australia, today 23 March, 2007.

But strangely, Mr. Rudd chose not to launch the pitch for a Nuclear Australia.

Is Mr. Rudd Perth shy?

Mr. Rudd would have an extensive knowledge of Western Australia, through his good mate Mr. Edwards. Mr. Edwards being a good mate with Mr. Burke introduced the pair in 2005.

Mr. Rudd would have been reacquainted with fellow dinners from the Brian Burke labor business leader’s dinner in Perth, a great opportunity for him to strengthen his relationship with industry leaders.

Where’s Mr. Rudd?

Labor and Uranium – An Evolution
Speech by Senator Chris Evans
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Shadow Minister for National Development, Resources and Energy
To the Labor Business Roundtable
Parmelia Hilton, Perth, 23 March 2007, 7.30am

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